Our body - quartet – BonoboBox
Verzending binnen 2 werkdagen (BE 6,75 euro/ NL 7,75) - Gratis verzending > 100 euro - Winkel open vrijdag (11u-14u), zaterdag (11u-14u) (Leefdaal, Vlaams-Brabant)

Our body - quartet

This game box contains 32 quartet cards and 8 conversation cards. The game is suitable for 2 to 4 players from 4 years old and is related to the book series Kriebels in je buik by Pauline Oud. Children playfully gain insight into their own body and that of others. In addition, thanks to the conversation cards, they learn to express their experiences and listen to each other. Games such as quartet not only stimulate children's social behavior, but also introduce them to all kinds of new words and concepts. Children also practice their conversation skills and thus learn to express themselves better and better. Preparatory arithmetic is also discussed: counting, sorting and making series. Read less

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