"Play with me" moments in Tervuren – BonoboBox
Verzending (2 werkdagen BE 6,95€-6,15€ postpunt/ NL 7,80€) - Gratis > 100 euro - Winkel open vrijdag en zaterdag (Leefdaal, Vlaams-Brabant)

"Play with me" moments in Tervuren

What does it entail?

BonoboBox, together with sleep and well-being consultant Lune Little Dreamers, offers play moments in the Zeeën space in Tervuren (Flemish Brabant). Playtime consists of open and active play , including educational toys and sensory play .

Children can try out the materials, gain new experiences and play with peers. The sessions will be held with a maximum of 6 children + parent so that children can play carefree. There will also be room for parents to have a chat or to get low-threshold advice. It is accessible to parents who speak Dutch, French and English and the sessions will be led by Sara or Charline, who each want to support you in parenthood with their own background.

The Playtimes are suitable for children from 6 months to 5 years, with an emphasis on the various motor and cognitive milestones.

Who are we?

S ara is a physiotherapist and founder of BonoboBox, an online toy store with a focus on educational toys.

Charline is a sleep and well-being coach for babies, toddlers and preschoolers with a lot of experience in sports and games for young children.

What is it about?

We currently offer play times in three locations: Sint-Joris-Weert, Tervuren and Haaltert

If you would like to play in the physiotherapy room in Sint-Joris-Weert, you can register via this link on the BonoboBox website.

You can register for the play times via Charline's website; Lune Little Dreamers: Book online | Lune little dreamers child sleep coach

We are looking forward to welcoming you!