Benefits of building and construction toys – BonoboBox
Verzending (2 werkdagen BE 6,95€-6,15€ postpunt/ NL 7,80€) - Gratis > 100 euro - Winkel open vrijdag en zaterdag (Leefdaal, Vlaams-Brabant)
Voordelen van bouwen en constructiespeelgoed

Benefits of building and construction toys

Benefits of building and construction toys
Construction and building:
Children who play with blocks and build towers develop good eye-hand coordination and work on their fine and gross motor skills. Problem-solving thinking, concentration, imagination and attention span are also stimulated. Only advantages!

....your child can quickly participate actively in building and breaking down a stacked tower? From the very first moment, the child learns about the world around him and his own motor skills.
... your child learns more about the laws of physics? Gravity is one of the first principles a child will test, which is why they love to break things down or throw them on the ground.

... Children of 18 months can build a tower of about 3 blocks? A child of 3 years can already build bridges, houses, towers or figures such as trees.

... Building can sometimes lead to frustration, but does it help children develop logical reasoning and problem-solving skills?
...Building towers helps promote self-confidence and self-image?
Building blocks are among the oldest toys in the world, precisely because children can play with them for so long and extensively. The open-ended toys invite the imagination to be used and children to play freely.
At BonoboBox you will find different construction items with different properties. Some are made entirely of wood with colorful windows or mirrors, others are magnetic or can be taken into the sandbox or bath. Depending on the age of your child and interests, you will certainly find a favorite of yours!